In this first post on this issue I want to address what I believe must be a fundamental concept underlying our message: Time.
No, I’ve not fallen off my rocker and think that the GOP should now be in the wrist-watch or clock-making business; nor am I about to bloviate about the nature of the universe. Instead, I believe the GOP will not reconnect with the average voter, and rebuild our credibility, until we show how our principles and policy prescriptions are relevant to their daily lives. What issue could be more relevant to daily life, and to our agenda, than time management?
Think about it: if we Republicans believe that the answers to most of our problems lie in shifting control of money and decision-making away from government or an anointed elite, and back to the individual, we must realize that one of the most important tasks for American government at the local level is to secure the maximum amount of time for use by the individual to pursue his or her happiness, and the happiness of others. As you read the rest of this post, keep in mind all of the times you have talked with others about volunteering, or getting involved in local government or school issues, only to be told that people don't have time to get involved.
Regardless of what the environmentalists say, the only truly scarce, non-renewable resource is time. For Republican principles to work effectively to improve society, individuals need control of as much time as possible every day to spend in pursuit of their well-being, as well as the well-being of their families, their neighbors, and their communities. People need time to volunteer, and to devote to local government and schools. When we couple the amount of time most of us devote to earning an income, with just the amount of time we spend in traffic every day, it is easy to see why we have ceded so much control over our lives and our communities to others—especially to bureaucrats. This problem will only get worse here, and in surrounding counties, as Harris County’s population alone is projected to double over the next 10 to 15 years.
However, not all of us have the same problem with time. In certain neighborhoods, the problem is not too little time. Instead, the key problem is that too many people, including children who have dropped-out of school, and under-educated and unemployed men, have too much time on their hands, and they lack the ability or the inclination to control that time wisely. As a result, they use their abundance of time to tear, rather than mend, the fabric of their lives, the lives of their families, and the lives of their communities.
Therefore, to address the pressing issues facing our county now and over the next decade, the local GOP, working with its elected officials and candidates, needs to develop a message and a policy agenda that includes a focus on returning control of time to individuals, while re-channeling wasted time among some individuals toward their self-improvement and the improvement of their neighborhoods. Every issue we face should be looked at from many different angles, including in the context of time. Such issues include:
- the physical infrastructure of roads and transportation;Some of our Republican elected officials already are thinking about these issues in a manner consistent with an emphasis on time. Our Republican county commissioners and county judge are looking at the future development of our physical infrastructure, and the location of medical clinics, in ways that would maximize efficient use of time and resources; our tax assessor is simplifying access to the many services his office provides by making access to these services available closer to where people live and work; and our Republican District Attorney and judges are looking at ways to preserve punishment for breaking laws while keeping young, non-violent offenders in school and preparing for effective citizenship, rather than wasting their time and futures behind bars.
- community development and location;
- construction and operation of utilities, schools, hospitals and emergency services;
- incorporated versus unincorporated development and governance of new communities; and
- the community infrastructure of law enforcement and the judiciary, of schools, and of private organizations that care for the needs of citizens.
These efforts can be enhanced by understanding—
- the important relationship between effective time management and every conscious or subconscious choice a citizen makes every day; andObviously, it is too simplistic to say that promoting a new emphasis on the control of time will miraculously solve all of society’s problems—that would be ridiculous. However, because this issue is so important to making the rest of our agenda work, we Republicans have ignored it to our detriment.
- the daily frustration people suffer because of a desperate feeling that they lack control of their time and, therefore, lack control of their lives.
By developing messages and policies designed to preserve this most precious commodity, and to promote its use for the well-being of the individual and all he or she cares about most, we could begin to address many of the daily frustrations in people’s lives and tap into a great reservoir of good will in this community. Once we make such a visceral connection with the average voter, we can use that connection to rebuild our credibility with voters by showing how our ideals are relevant to their daily lives.
Ultimately, recognizing the importance of time, and developing relevant policies to address its importance, will help us elect Republicans to office throughout all of the cities and communities that comprise Harris County.