Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ed Hubbard—Sometimes even the Houston Chronicle gets it right!

I know. You’re thinking I’ve lost my mind. But it’s true: sometimes the Editorial Board of the Houston Chronicle stumbles onto the right point.

Earlier today, the Chronicle posted this editorial about the dilemma facing the Republican Party, and the challenges facing our new national chairman, Michael Steele:

Let me be very clear: the team behind this website welcomes the election of Michael Steele, and we will do all we can to support his national effort here in Harris County.

Since late November, we have been promoting a new strategic plan on this website. Last Friday, our national party chose a bold, new course in its selection of Michael Steele as its new chairman. Steele’s goals are consistent with the plan we have been promoting for the HCRP. In his brief acceptance speech, Chairman Steele directly challenged the status quo within our party by declaring, “[w]e’re going to say to friend and foe alike: ‘We want you to be a part of us, we want you to be with us.’ And for those who wish to obstruct, get ready to get knocked over.” We couldn’t agree more.

Each era of reform within our party over the last 50 years has been preceded by a defense of the status quo. Unfortunately, many of the “rebels” who have joined and invigorated our party since 1978 are now obstructing reform and defending the status quo.

The contours of the HCRP’s plan announced last Tuesday are a defense of the status quo, are not consistent with the agenda Chairman Steele plans to pursue, and are encapsulated in a model that does not fit a political organization.

Therefore, we will work with those locally who support Chairman Steele and his goals in order to reunite this party, and to broaden its base by promoting our fundamental principles to all of the communities in this county, in order to elect Republicans to office. When the HCRP’s actions are consistent with our strategy, we will work with the county leadership; when it is not, we will work to promote Chairman Steele’s goals.

Ed Hubbard


  1. We can start making a difference and reaching out to the black community by showing a least a bit of interest in the shooting of Robert Tolan in Bellaire.

    We need to stand up when a wrong has been committed. The shooting of this young man was unacceptable and we need to voice that loudly.

    We can start there.

  2. Exactly. Maybe something can be organized under Raging Elephants to represent us there.

  3. Claver at is all over it. But we, of a lighter hue, need to speak up as well.

  4. True, true, and true. I propose we do a drive-thru protest in Bellaire. I'm not sure exactly how to work it, but it would make a very obvious point! The Tolans are owed so much more support than they have lately received. I'm all for invadiding Bellaire on wheels somehow!

  5. I agree that any outreach effort has to begin with credibility and trust. When our party leaders remain silent when incidents like this occur--regardless of the reason for the silence--we send a message that we don't care what happens to our African American neighbors. We have to care, and show we care.

  6. You could also make a difference by not condemning someone like Quanell X. If you have not personally condemned him, any of you here, then you have by omision. He has worked with the authorities again and again to either solve cases or bring suspects into police custody. But for him, there are at least a few high priority cases that wouldn't have been solved.

    Reach out to those in your community who bash Quanell X no matter what, and then you might get some response.

    Driving around Bellaire is not going to do it Fishie. Just as your new movement seems to rely on what President Obama has done, you would learn from Quanell X.

    Anyone who has lived in the city of Houston knows that the Tolan shooting was bound to happen. There are examples for years.
