Wednesday, April 14, 2010

To the Republican voters of Harris County:

Thank you for participating in the year-long debate over the state of our party organization and plans for its future. Although I sincerely congratulate Jared Woodfill for his victory in our primary race for the Chair of the Harris County Republican Party, this race was always about more than that office—it was about you and the future of our party. So, I hope you will be the ultimate winners from this race.

But, before I address that point further, let me congratulate a few others who deserve mention:

* My supporters, including leaders from many of the clubs and organizations from around the state and this county, leaders of the Tea Party movement, current and former elected officials and precinct chairs, and activists from every faction and demographic group that comprise our Grand Old Party—I was the just the vessel for your hopes and dreams for a revitalized, united and growing party; it is your spirit that really drove this campaign and will continue to work for a stronger party in the years to come;

* Bob Perry, who graciously helped finance both campaigns and allowed our respective messages to be heard by the voters during the last week of the run-off campaign; and

* Dan Patrick, Dr. Stephen Hotze, and their associates—your highly visible and active embrace of Jared’s campaign and record, and your spirited criticism of me and my supporters, now place the responsibility squarely on your shoulders for making sure Jared’s team actually follows through on its stated commitment to improve the operational and financial management of the party, and to be more inclusive, over the next two years; so, I challenge both of you to make it work.

To make it work, the current team must learn the right lesson from this election: our neighbors, who look to the Republican Party to represent their principles and convictions, want to be included in the operation of this party and its future. Simply put,

* they want their phone calls and emails returned;

* they want the party to produce a transparent strategic plan, budget and fundraising plan, and then implement it;

* they want their money managed properly and with transparency;

* they want to be welcomed to volunteer for the party;

* they want to be welcomed to participate as precinct chairs, or in other capacities, without having to submit to tests or inquisitions;

* they want the party to live by its timeless principles by taking its message into every precinct and neighborhood of this county, and then growing permanently into those communities; and,

* above all else, they want to help win elections and get Republicans in office at every level of government who will promote the principles and convictions we share.

Although I have promised my family and my colleagues that this would be my last campaign for an elective office, I also promise to continue to fight to revitalize this party. As I committed to Jared and the voters during the campaign, I and my supporters are ready to roll-up our sleeves and help unite this party and make the organization work by addressing the concerns that I listed above. In fact, I reiterated this promise to Jared privately yesterday before the polls had even opened. We now publicly extend our hand to Chairman Woodfill, Senator Patrick, Dr. Hotze, and their team of associates, to help address these concerns and elect Republicans. If our hand is accepted, we can re-build a strong party at precisely the time it is needed here and nationally.

If it is not accepted, we will pursue these goals parallel to the party organization, just as Senator Patrick is now doing by creating a parallel organization to the Republican Party itself. However, the proliferation of these hyphenated Republican groups is not healthy for the future of conservatism or the GOP, so I hope and pray that our hand of family, friendship, and alliance will be accepted so we can stand united in our fight for liberty.

If our hand is accepted, then you, the Republicans of Harris County, will be the ultimate winners of this primary season—and that was my goal all along.


  1. This is well said sir. You have inspired me by how hard you have run and I how honest you have been with your campaign. To me you are the true winner!

    David Smith
    Libertarian Candidate

  2. Ed Hubbard, You Sir are a True American. It is so very unfortunate that there are not more like you in our presence. I say, "belive, live, and speak the truth and you are free". My payer is that Senator Patrick,Chairman Woodfill,Dr. Hotze
    accept the hand "Of The People" in Harris County, so we can become one for the Grand Old Party. If they don't we will find someone who will.

    Derek Townsend
    Tomball City Councilperson

  3. Ed,thank you for your leadership!
    Sincerely for liberty,
    Tim Brown precinct chair 300

  4. As to the Sen. Patrick’s creation of a new Republican group:

    My only observation is:

    If the GOP keeps dividing itself up into smaller and smaller groups it will soon result in making the party resemble more the answer to Zeno’s Paradox than it does a political party.
